DORA Securities X CU Boulder
On a chilly September morning in 2021, the Colorado Securities Commissioner Tung Chan walked into a warm coffee shop near the CU Boulder campus and scanned the room looking for Dr. Jolene Fisher, a professor at the College of Media, Communication and Information at CU Boulder. It was their first meeting and unknown to them at that time, it was the beginning of the DORA Securities X CU Boulder New Investor campaign.
In 2021, FOMO around investing in tokens on the blockchain and a boom in trading platforms on apps had reached a fever pitch. In response, the FINRA Foundation, an arm of the FINRA regulatory body, published a number of research papers on the wave of investors being drawn into the capital markets by these new developments.
FINRA identified these new investors as younger, more diverse, more tech savvy and more risk tolerant, but also less knowledgeable about safe investing. Regulators were worried: how were they going to reach these new investors to let them know about safe investing, where to get help, and what their rights were? Regulators were printing out paper pamphlets and brochures and hoping that the new investors would pick them up and read them; meanwhile, the new investors were spending their time online and being bombarded daily with viral sketchy promotions on social media. Was the message of safe investing being heard at all?
In that coffee shop in Boulder, Tung and Jolene talked about this disconnect. Was there a way for CU Boulder students to help convey a message to the younger, tech savvy Coloradans investing through and in new tech? The result was to have the Colorado Division of Securities be the “client” for a capstone class in the Department of Advertising, Public Relations and Media Design (APRD) taught by Professor Fisher in the spring semester of 2022. The class divided into four “agencies” that researched the client, the issue, and the target audience; developed a strategy and key messages; and put together pitches for a campaign to reach these new investors in Colorado. After a semester of work, each agency pitched their campaign to a panel of staff from the Division of Securities and APRD faculty. The panel selected the winning campaign and here it is. It includes this microsite featuring safe investing information, billboards on I-70 and in town, social media messages on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, and QR stickers for in person distribution.
The students of the winning campaign, now all graduates of the University of Colorado Boulder, are featured below. The campaign is brought to you through a collaboration of CU Boulder CMCI and the Colorado Division of Securities. Funding for the campaign was provided by a grant from the Investor Protection Trust to CU Boulder. Special thanks to Young Ideas, a Boulder-based agency run by CU Boulder Instructor Morgan Young, who provided assistance with media buying, and final production and trafficking of ads.

About this PSA
Our goal is to protect young investors as they begin their investment journey. We aren't here to tell you what to do (we promise we're not your parents!). However, if you ever need us, we're here to help.
Maybe you invest so you can start your own small business. Maybe you invest to pay off your student loans, travel the world, or try to get rich! Whatever your reason, safe investing is a great way to protect your future. We hope we can help you invest in your dreams!
Instagram Campaign
Take a look below at some of our Instagram ads that we created as a part of our social media campaign!

Watch out for salespeople who prey on fears and FOMO. No legit investment is that urgent. Take a pause. It’s your money. Protect it. Use the CO Division of Securities’ Smart Investor Checklist at protectyourinvestments.colorado.gov
Brought to you by the Colorado Division of Securities and CU Boulder CMCI. Paid for by the IPT.
#invest #investment #investing #investingtips #investing101 #investoreducation #smartinvesting #personalfinance #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoeducation #StateofCo #brokercheck #CoDivisionofSecurities #protectyourinvestments #itsyourmoney #securities101 #stocks #equity
If I’m staking a cryptocurrency, who holds the title to the coin? Do I? Or does the company? No wallet, no coin. Ask the right questions and know the risks. Use the CO Division of Securities’ Smart Investor Checklist at protectyourinvestments.colorado.gov
Brought to you by the Colorado Division of Securities and CU Boulder CMCI. Paid for by the IPT.
#invest #investment #investing #investingtips #investing101 #investoreducation #smartinvesting #personalfinance #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoeducation #StateofCo #brokercheck #CoDivisionofSecurities #protectyourinvestments #itsyourmoney #securities101 #stocks #equity
Do you know how the project is making money to pay you interest? If you don’t know where the yield is coming from, you may be the yield. Follow the CO Division of Securities’ Smart Investor Checklist at protectyourinvestments.colorado.gov for more tips.
Brought to you by the Colorado Division of Securities and CU Boulder CMCI. Paid for by the IPT.
#invest #investment #investing #investingtips #investing101 #investoreducation #smartinvesting #personalfinance #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoeducation #StateofCo #brokercheck #CoDivisionofSecurities #protectyourinvestments #itsyourmoney #securities101 #stocks #equity

Ten cuidado con gente de ventas que se aprovechan del miedo y de FOMO. No hay inversión legítima que sea urgente. Toma tu tiempo. Es tu dinero. Protégelo. Usa la lista de Smart Investor de la División de Valores de Colorado protectyourinvestments.colorado.gov
#invertir #inversión #invertir #tipsdeinversión #invertir101 #invertirparaprincipiante #educacióndeinversionista #inversióninteligente #finanzaspersonales #cripto #criptomoneda #criptoeducación #invertirenbolsadevalores #EstadodeCO #CoDivisióndeValores #brokercheck #protegetusinversiones #estudinero #valores101 #losvalores #equidad
Si tengo inversiones en crypto ¿Quién mantiene el título de la moneda? ¿Yo, o la compañía? Sin cartera, no hay moneda. Has las preguntas adecuadas y aprende los riesgos. Usa la lista de Smart Investor de la División de Valores de Colorado Protectyourinvestments.colorado.gov
#invertir #inversión #invertir #tipsdeinversión #invertir101 #invertirparaprincipiante #educacióndeinversionista #inversióninteligente #finanzaspersonales #cripto #criptomoneda #criptoeducación #invertirenbolsadevalores #EstadodeCO #CoDivisióndeValores #brokercheck #protegetusinversiones #estudinero #valores101 #losvalores #equidad
¿Sabes cómo es que tu proyecto de inversión está haciendo dinero para pagarte tu interés? Si no sabes de dónde viene esa ganancia, tú podrías ser esa ganancia. Protectyourinvestments.colorado.gov
#invertir #inversión #invertir #tipsdeinversión #invertir101 #invertirparaprincipiante #educacióndeinversionista #inversióninteligente #finanzaspersonales #cripto #criptomoneda #criptoeducación #invertirenbolsadevalores #EstadodeCO #CoDivisióndeValores #brokercheck #protegetusinversiones #estudinero #valores101 #losvalores #equidad